libximc  2.14.27
Data Fields
accessories_settings_t Struct Reference

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Data Fields

char MagneticBrakeInfo [25]
 The manufacturer and the part number of magnetic brake, the maximum string length is 24 characters.
float MBRatedVoltage
 Rated voltage for controlling the magnetic brake (V).
float MBRatedCurrent
 Rated current for controlling the magnetic brake (A).
float MBTorque
 Retention moment (mN * m).
unsigned int MBSettings
 Magnetic brake settings flags.
char TemperatureSensorInfo [25]
 The manufacturer and the part number of the temperature sensor, the maximum string length: 24 characters.
float TSMin
 The minimum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.
float TSMax
 The maximum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.
float TSGrad
 The temperature gradient (V/degrees Celsius).
unsigned int TSSettings
 Temperature sensor settings flags.
unsigned int LimitSwitchesSettings
 Temperature sensor settings flags.

Detailed Description


Additional accessories' information.

See Also
get_accessories_settings, set_accessories_settings

Field Documentation

unsigned int LimitSwitchesSettings
char MagneticBrakeInfo[25]

The manufacturer and the part number of magnetic brake, the maximum string length is 24 characters.

float MBRatedCurrent

Rated current for controlling the magnetic brake (A).

Data type: float.

float MBRatedVoltage

Rated voltage for controlling the magnetic brake (V).

Data type: float.

unsigned int MBSettings
float MBTorque

Retention moment (mN * m).

Data type: float.

char TemperatureSensorInfo[25]

The manufacturer and the part number of the temperature sensor, the maximum string length: 24 characters.

float TSGrad

The temperature gradient (V/degrees Celsius).

Data type: float.

float TSMax

The maximum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.

float TSMin

The minimum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.

unsigned int TSSettings