libximc  2.14.27
Data Fields
pid_settings_t Struct Reference

PID settings. More...

Data Fields

unsigned int KpU
 Proportional gain for voltage PID routine.
unsigned int KiU
 Integral gain for voltage PID routine.
unsigned int KdU
 Differential gain for voltage PID routine.
float Kpf
 Proportional gain for BLDC position PID routine.
float Kif
 Integral gain for BLDC position PID routine.
float Kdf
 Differential gain for BLDC position PID routine.

Detailed Description

PID settings.

This structure contains factors for PID routine. It specifies the behavior of the voltage PID routine. These factors are slightly different for different positioners. All boards are supplied with the standard set of PID settings in the controller's flash memory. Please load new PID settings when you change positioner. Please note that wrong PID settings lead to device malfunction.

See Also
get_pid_settings, set_pid_settings